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Smart Challenges

The UN Smart Maps initiative is excited to engage young professionals and college students in developing innovative GIS solutions. Our challenges are designed to address real-world problems and provide participants with the opportunity to showcase their skills and creativity.

Current Challenges

Explore our current challenges and find one that excites you:

How to Participate

Just follow these steps:

  1. Select a Challenge: Choose a challenge from our list that sparks your interest.
  2. Develop Your Solution: Work on your solution, focusing on the specified deliverables.
  3. Submit Your Solution: Use the provided Google Form link to submit your deliverables by the deadline.

Deliverable Requirements

For each challenge, the deliverables will be clearly defined. Examples of deliverables include:

  • style.json: A JSON file containing the styling for a map layer.
  • solution.pdf/png: A document or graphic illustrating your solution and its impact.